Eating, praying, loving.

I swear the time is escaping me. I blinked and I’ve already been here in Georgia for 5 months as of tomorrow. Blows my mind. It feels like so much longer. I remember my friend Thandi saying, “You’ve been here what? A year now?” and thinking wait, it kinda feels that way! It’s hard to believe that in such a small amount of time I’ve secured a full-time job, almost completed 2 quarters of my program, found a church that feels like TCOC but without the people that miss more than anything, saved a pretty good chunk of money, and made some wonderful friends. How on Earth I managed to do all of that is beyond me. I said this the other night while I was looking up at the stars: I am so thankful that He chose me to occupy these moments. 

I’ve had few months worth of reality checks, though. Instances where I felt super defeated, only to realize that it was a direct result of the amount of effort I was putting in. People get comfortable and lazy. I got comfortable and lazy. Nothing opens up your eyes like getting some terrible grades and watching the hard work that you put into your body a year ago slowly fade away. Now, neither of these are detrimental situations. Bad grade, so what, make up for it on the next exam. Put on a few pounds, no worries, I’ll make up for it another day. And whoever is reading this is probably thinking that I’m being really hard on myself and you are exactly right. But because I hold myself to some often times ridiculous standards, in my mind, I know that I can do better and that frustration can eat me alive.

I’ve really had to buckle down and get serious about my time management and the way that I was studying. On the flip side, I had to figure out how to increase my time spent in the books but also find the time to take care of myself after a 12-hour work and school day. I’m finally starting to get the hang of it, thank goodness. 

I think it’s funny how life does that to you. One second you feel like you’ve got everything under control and you’re coasting through and then life says “wait a second, you’re getting complacent…time to step your game up.” So that is exactly what I’m doing. At school, with my health, and with things that are good for my soul.

Sometimes putting information out there is bad ju-ju. Sometimes putting information out there really holds you accountable. Either way, I’ve prayed about it, thought about it for awhile, and hope that I’m speaking this into happening. Next September after the completion of my program, God willing, I’ll be traveling overseas to do some volunteer work overseas in either Sri Lanka or Bali treating as a PTA or providing healthcare education to children. I am certain that God puts certain people into your life for a reason and one of them is my coworker and a sweet friend of mine, Erica. I had been feeling the need to do more volunteer work or doing something out of the box after graduation and had been thinking about mission work or volunteer work in another country. So I start working with this beautiful soul only to find out that she had done something similar. That is God at work, folks. So I got the information from Erica about the agency that she went through and here I am starting to get everything in line to make this happen. I welcome any information from anyone who has done this before. I’m nervous but oh so excited!

This is my crazy, adventurous life… a reality check that pushes me to do more, be more, love more, give more, travel more, trust in Him more. 

These realities, although sometimes painful, can do you the most good. Embrace them, welcome them, and accept them for what they are… You might just find yourself raising your own standards… And traveling around the world like Julia Roberts. It’s a win-win all around.