I’m Leaving on the Midnight Train


I have prayed about it, talked about it, dreamt about it. It’s been on my mind since I visited in August. I’ve finally found the time to write about it. It is with the happiest heart that I can say that I’ve made the decision to move to Savannah, Georgia. I am ecstatic, nervous, and sometimes the thought of it scares me to death. But the excitement is starting to outweigh the fear… by a lot… but if there isn’t any fear left, I wouldn’t be making the right decision. I want to be afraid, I want to challenge myself. I want to flip my life upside down for the first time ever.

How did I get to this point? Well, the first reason is obvious so we won’t start down that road. Second, the school that I’m going to for physical therapy assisting has their headquarter campus in Savannah; what are the chances? They also have a PA program, coincidence? Third, my beautiful best friend lives there. It’s a chance for me to start over and learn to thrive on my own. I owe that to myself and this may be the last chance I ever have to do something of this magnitude.

The only piece of the puzzle that I am waiting on is a start date for the program that I’m in. That will be the determining factor for when I leave. If you are reading this, I ask that you pray for an answer very soon and that the answer be the best possible outcome for me. It could be as early as the end of March or as late as mid June. In addition, if anyone has connections in Savannah that work in healthcare, please contact me so that I may contact them. My resume is ready to go anytime, anywhere.

My very best friend Ashley and I had dinner last week and we talked about my move. She has always said that when I mention something to her about a goal or vision for myself, she knows that I’m all in. There is no talking me out of it. When I am dead set on something, it will happen. Your options are either A) support me or B) get the eff out of my way. Ashley, thank you for always supporting me, taking me seriously, and never second guessing my decisions in life even when you might not have fully understood my reasoning. You have always believed in me, even when nobody else did, and I can’t thank you enough for that. You are my constant. I love you!

I look back at all the things that haven’t worked out in my favor over the past year or so and suddenly, it all makes perfect sense. I think about the relationships that didn’t work out, the applications that weren’t accepted, and the career that wasn’t started. They were all apart of a bigger plan. A plan that rests within the hand of God. A plan that I had to learn to trust like nothing I have ever trusted before. Although, I admit: sometimes I wonder how different life would have been if everything worked out how I wanted it to. Who doesn’t do that?! But then I’m thrown back into the present, realizing that if they had, I wouldn’t be where I am right this very second. I have grown by leaps and bounds and I intend on growing much more.

Now for the organizing and packing between working and school.

To packing away the past in boxes and putting them into storage. I’ll revisit the memories one day. Calling all girlfriends: I might a few of you for this part.

To moving forward to bigger and better things.

To adventure and the unknown.

I am so ready for you, life. Bring it on.

All things Jena


I almost bought a book today entitled “642 writing prompts”. I looked at it, glanced through some of the prompts… no thanks. I have plenty to write about. And I’m doing a crap-ton of writing for my English course, so any chance that I have to write about something other than that which pertains to my persuasive essay/research paper, I’m game.

I’ve written about the happenings in my life, about love, about loss, about finding my way back. Have I ever really wrote about myself or shared what makes me, me? A little bit. But I’m willing to share some more in hopes that someone reading this, who may not necessarily relate to my writing, could maybe relate to me as a person instead. There is nothing like realizing you are not alone in the things that you experience or the way that you are. We are all unique but on some level, we are all very much the same. I included that picture of my family because those are the years that ultimately laid the foundation for who I am today. Plus it showcases Becca’s buck teeth. Hilarious!

Some things that you may not know about me:

  1. Jena is my birth name and it has one “n” thanks to my father. I also get called Gina more times than not. No, my full name is not Jennifer and no, you may not call me Jenny. My middle name comes from my Grandma MaryJane Elizabeth, the woman that taught me be sweet as pie but take no shit.
  2. I have an addiction to Vaseline and lotion. I put Vaseline on my lips everynight before bed and I lotion up my hands and feet so I don’t have that dry, scratchy feeling against my sheets. I am also known to carry a huge tub of vaseline in my purse, don’t judge me.
  3. I have no self-control when it comes to chips. Jalapeno Kettle Cooked chips are my favorite and I couldn’t live without them. I did for 4 months and it was pure hell.
  4. I have an affinity for 90’s/early 2000’s R&B and rap music. You will know if these are on because I am dancing and singing like a fool.
  5. I just learned to whistle about 3 months ago.
  6. I have woken up with french fries and a slice of pizza in my bed before. I’m not inclined to say how recent this was.
  7. I love thunderstorms. The noise, the rain, the wind, the lightning. I swear, I was a storm chaser in another life.
  8. I don’t do team sports. Everything that I have ever excelled at has been because it was me, myself, and I. Dance, cheer, golf, running, bodybuilding, and yoga. I am highly competitive… apparently with myself. (Disclaimer: I do get along with people and work well in a group environment.)
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  10. Green is my favorite color. Lime, forest, chartreuse, olive… don’t matter.
  11. I have struggled with body image for the majority of my life and still have days where I do. I am learning, everyday, to be comfortable with what I see when I look in the mirror.
  12. I have two tattoos. One is my own name in a star (I loved myself at 18, obviously) and the other is 3 arrows on my left side. Why 3 arrows? The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Why the left side? Your heart lies more on the left side of your body. Why arrows? Arrows are only catapulted by the amount of force that is holding them back. My catapult forward will be forceful, graceful, and I will be leading with my heart.
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  14. I can fall asleep anywhere, anytime. 2 minutes tops. It’s a gift that I know I won’t have forever so I embrace it as much as I can.
  15. I have wanted to live on or close to the ocean since my first trip to Florida when I was 18. This could be my reality very soon.
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  17. My dream? A career that allows me to have plenty of time with my hypothetical family and a home on the water with a wrap around porch where I can drink my coffee and write.
  18. I have been told that I am very selfish. Abso-freaking-lutely. Everyone should be to a certain extent. But anyone that knows me knows how wholeheartedly selfless I am, too. My top priority right now is myself. Can’t contribute to my evolving greatness? Please don’t bother me. Need the shirt off my back? It’s yours. It’s called balance.


Just a little snippet of me. Hope you enjoyed it! If not, that’s cool too. You are still welcome here.